elections.tn.gov.in : Methodology For Preparation of Photo Rolls
Organization : Tamilnadu Chief Electoral Officer’s Office (ceotamilnadu.nic.in)
Facility : Methodology for preparation of photo rolls
Location : Chennai
Website : http://www.elections.tn.gov.in/
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CEO TN Preparation of Photo Electoral Rolls
In view of the bye-election to Madurai Central Assembly Constituency, the preparation of photo electoral rolls was taken up in that Constituency on a fast track mode and the final photo rolls were published on 5th September, 2006.
Related : CEO Tamilnadu How to Apply for Duplicate EPIC : www.electionin.in/402.html
Methodology For Preparation of Photo Rolls
Retrieval of Images
The images were retrieved from the CDs. Where images were not available in CDs, the images were scanned from the miniature sheets if they were available in the miniatures.
Separate software was designed to give a list of electors with EPIC numbers, but whose images were missing.
Using the list, and by comparing with the miniature sheet index, the vendors scanned the missing images. However, this was not very useful in many places as the quality of scanned image was found to be poor.
Updating Electoral Rolls Database
The updation of electoral rolls database with EPIC numbers was done before taking up the preparation of photo-rolls.
Photo Rolls Check Lists
Photo electoral rolls were printed initially (Check List I) by linking available images in CDs/ scanned images from the existing miniature sheets with the electoral rolls data base.
During house-to-house verification, passport size colour photographs were obtained from electors and scanned. Based on the initial verification with Check List-I and data entry, Check List-II was printed.
Additional images/ missing images were captured mainly by
(i) collecting and scanning passport size photographs,
(ii) digital image capture in house to house visit by staff accompanying the digital photographer of the vendor along with Check List –II verification and / or
(iii) digital image capture at DPLs (in a few places).
During off-election period, there was not much of enthusiasm among the electors for coming to DPLs and, therefore, the DEOs generally did not adopt method (iii) above.
Based on the images captured, Check List-III was printed for correction cases and mop-up round of image capture done. Finally, the rolls were published as draft photo electoral rolls for the process of summary revision of electoral rolls 2007 for all the ACs in May/ June, 2007.
EPIC Pendency & EPIC Centres
EPIC centres have been set up, one for each Assembly Constituency, with EPIC operators for capture of images, printing of EPICs, etc. All these centres have equipments such as Computer, Printer, Scanner, Digital Camera etc.
Operators have also been deployed by the State Level Agency viz., M/s. CMC Ltd. These centres will take up inter-alia printing of EPICs for all cases of inclusion of new electors in the electoral rolls, residual electors and handle cases of corrections in EPICs and issue of duplicate/replacement EPICs. Also, during off-revision period, the centres will handle data-entry for Forms received for inclusion, deletion, modification & transposition in the electoral rolls.
I want change my photo in voter ID card. How can I change the photo?
My voter id no is jrt1929777
My aadhar no 484984271511