sikkimdemocraticfront.org Join SDF : Sikkim Democratic Front

Party : Sikkim Democratic Front
State : Sikkim
Facility : Join SDF

Home Page : http://sikkimdemocraticfront.org/
Join Us: http://sikkimdemocraticfront.org/join-sdf/

Related: Sikkim Democratic Front Official Website : www.electionin.in/302.html

Join SDF :

** Sense of commitment among the members towards the party, not only that the website also aims at bringing the party lovers into a same umbrella who otherwise due to some or the other reason could not turn out to show up their support towards the party.

Free internet access in the party head office.

** It is now that the new generation will have a better and direct means to convey their ideas and seek responses from other fellow members of the party thus bringing out a healthy environment of democracy through social networking .
** All the online members of the SDF are expected to share and convey their innovative ideas for the betterment of the state.
** The SDF party has strongly stood by the younger generation and has encouraged them to reciprocate towards the constructive approach in the development of our state and nation at large.
** The prior intention behind the concept of online membership is to build a friendly environment among the younger generation irrespective of their place of dwellings, whether it is rural (far outreach) or urban areas or be it the party lovers outside the state.
** It is expected that the online members commit themselves towards contributing in every little bit from their side as per the party’s approach towards the various issues and also come up with a healthy suggestion for the betterment of the party .
** The whole website is completely dedicated to uplift the new generation to involve themselves in taking up initiatives in making a better environment for the upcoming generation.
** Thus, it is expected that the younger generation will guide the party in a better way through their new and innovative ideas driven by the positive aspects
** This idea of online membership is indeed initiated so as to bring about positive aspects among the younger generation.
** The mission of this concept should rather be taken as an unrevealed birthday gift to be engaged in a worthy pursuit.
** Some of the benefits of the online membership are mentioned below which of course is of your interest.
** We look forward for your membership to boost the unexplored ideas to make our society and state a prestigious place to live as such the SDF party has always welcomed and continues to welcome your zeal and enthusiasm in constructing a society.
** We need the support of each and every one who shares positive values and desires to work together under a single umbrella; together we can aspire the dreams of our leader Pawan Chamling in construction of a better Sikkim.

(once you fill up the details in the from below you are required to get one copy printout of the form and submit to the library department if possible at the party head office to avail following facilities )
1. Get a membership in order to access the party library which is uploaded with a variety of academic books of schools and colleges in addition to daily, weekly and monthly edition of magazines, newpapers , novels , story books , encyclopedias and lots more.
2. To remain updated with the latest information regarding the capacity building programs.
3. To get benefits of free/subsidized coaching for various competitive examinations such as NET, UPSC exams etc for the students.
4. Xerox copies @ Re.1
5. To get the latest information regarding the party’s policies (political, social, economical and philosophical developments) placed by the Party High command which reflects the vision of the leader and parties programs and all through email.
6. To have a common discussion over the various matters relating to the current issues through posting one’s personal views.

Become a member : http://sikkimdemocraticfront.org/member/registration/

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