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Organisation : Election Commission of India Chief Electoral Officer Karnataka
Announcement : De novo preparation of electoral rolls of Graduates and Teacher Constituencies of Karnataka Legislative Council-2023
Applicable State/UT : Karnataka
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Electoral Rolls of Graduates and Teacher Constituencies

De novo preparation of electoral rolls of Graduates and Teacher Constituencies of Karnataka Legislative Council-2023. Schedule for de-novo preparation of electoral rolls with reference to 01.11.2023 as qualifying date in respect of certain Graduates’ and Teachers’ Constituencies of State Legislative Council of Karnataka and Maharashtra.

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Schedule for Electoral Rolls of Graduates and Teacher Constituencies

The Commission has ordered de-novo preparation of electoral rolls of the above said constituencies in the Legislative Council of State of Karnataka and Maharashtra with reference to 01.11.2023 as qualifying date, so as to have a fresh electoral roll for these constituencies as per the following schedule,
Activities Period/Date
1. Issue of public notice under Rule 31(3) of the Registration of Electors Rules, 1960 30.09.2023 (Saturday)
2. First re-publication of notice in Newspapers under Rule 31(4) of the Registration of Electors Rules, 1960 16.10.2023 (Monday)
3. Second re-publication of notice in Newspapers under Rule 31(4) of the Registration of Electors Rules, 1960 25.10.2023 (Wednesday)
4. Last date of receipt of applications in Form 18 or 19, as the case may be. 06.11.2023 (Monday)
5. Period for the preparation of manuscripts and printing of draft electoral rolls 20.11.2023 (Monday)
6. Draft Publication of Electoral Rolls 23.11.2023 (Thursday)
7. Period for filing of claims and objections 23.11.2023 (Thursday) to 09.12.2023 (Saturday)
8. Date by which the claims and objections shall be disposed of and supplements be prepared and printed 25.12.2023 (Monday)
9. Final Publication of Electoral Rolls 30.12.2023 (Saturday)

Accordingly, the electoral rolls of the above-mentioned Graduates’ and Teachers’ Constituencies shall be prepared afresh with reference to 01.11.2023 qualifying date in accordance with the prescribed schedule and after following due procedure and guidelines contained in the Commission’s comprehensive instructions as circulated vide letter No. 37/LC/INST/ECI/FUNC/ERD/ER/2016, dated 5th September 2016.

FAQ for Enrollment in Teachers and Graduates Constituencies

Frequently Asked Questions for Enrollment in Teachers and Graduates Constituencies
What is the relevant date for revision of electoral rolls for Graduates and Teachers Constituencies?
Ans.- The qualifying date for being enrolled in Graduates and Teachers Constituencies 1st day of November of the year in which the preparation or revision of the electoral rolls is commenced. For the current year 01.11.2023 is the qualifying date.

How can one get registered/enrolled in the electoral rolls for Teachers Constituencies?

Ans.- For registration in Teachers Constituencies, one has to file the application for the purpose, in prescribed Form 19 along with Annexure-2, before the ERO/AERO of the constituency within which the place of ordinary residence of the applicant falls. The application accompanied by copies of the relevant documents can be filed in person before the concerned ERO/AERO or sent by post addressed to him.

How can one get registered/enrolled in the electoral rolls for Graduates Constituencies?

Ans.- For registration in Constituencies, one has to file the application for the purpose, in prescribed Form 18 along with Third Schedule, before the ERO/AERO of the constituency within which the place of ordinary residence of the applicant falls. The application accompanied by copies of the relevant documents can be filed in person before the concerned ERO/AERO or sent by post addressed to him.

From where Form 18/19 can be obtained?
Ans.- It can be downloaded from the website of Election Commission of India ) and Chief Electoral Officer, Karnataka ( forms/en). Forms are also available free of cost in offices of Electoral Registration Officers (Concerned Regional Commissioner office)/ Assistant Electoral Registration Officers (Concerned Deputy Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner, Tahsildar office).

What are the conditions for enrolment in Graduates Constituencies?

Ans.- For enrolment in a Graduates’ Constituency one should be an ordinarily resident in that Constituency, and should have, for at least three years before the qualifying date (1st November of that year), been either a Graduate of a university in India or in possession of any of the qualification deemed to be equivalent to that of a Graduate of a university in India notified by the State Government.

Note: The three year period for which a person should be a graduate before registration will count from the date on which the result of the qualifying degree examination was declared and published by the university or an authority concerned and not from the date of convocation.

What are the conditions for enrolment in Teachers Constituencies?

For registration in electoral roll for a Teachers’ Constituency, one should be ordinarily resident in that Constituency and within the six years immediately before the qualifying date (1st November of that year), for a total period of at least three years, should have been engaged in teaching in any of the educational institutions notified by the State Government within the State, not lower in standard than that of a secondary school.

What are the documents to be submitted for proof of Ordinary

Residence for Teachers and Graduates constituency:
ii. Aadhaar Card
iii. Ration Card,
iv. Indian Passport,
v. Driving License,
vi. Bank/Kisan/Post Office current Passbook
vii. Any other document prescribed by Election Commission of India.

Whether the application should be typed or had written?
Application can be filled by typing or through legible hand writing.

Whether Aadhaar is Mandatory?
No. Aadhaar is not mandatory. However, the applicants can submit Aadhaar details voluntarily.

Whether Mobile Number of the applicant is Mandatory?

No. Mobile Number of the applicant is not mandatory. However, the applicants can submit Mobile Number details voluntarily.

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